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Our values define who we are. They are the non-negotiables we hold dear and provide a framework upon which to build our lives and community.


Authority of the Scriptures

The Bible is the inspired Word of God.

The Trinity

There is one God and He exists in three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).


It was made in God's image, but is now lost in sin.

Jesus Christ

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He was born of a virgin, died for our redemption, and resurrected to give us new life.

The Holy Spirit

He resides in every believer, leads us into truth and Christlikeness, and provides the gifts and graces to the Church needed to fulfill the purposes of God.

The Church

The Body of Christ consists of every believer, and is journeying towards the restoration of all truth.

Apostles & Prophets

They have been tasked by God to proclaim Biblical revelation and wisdom and build God-ordained structures into the Church.


God established the five-fold ministry (Eph 4:11) and elders to lead the Church according to Biblical principles and to be exemplary in lifestyle.


Believers are called to live within community - a place of covenantal relationship, governance, shared purpose, transparency, and servanthood.

The Finish

The end of the Church's journey is being conformed to the character of Jesus Christ followed by His literal, personal return.

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